Πέμπτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Ανεπιθύμητη η Διαμαντοπούλου στο LSE

Σήμερα  μίλαγε η υπουργός παιδείας στο lse με τίτλο "The Role of Education in Greece’s Recovery". Ο φοιτητικός σύλλογος έβγαλε δελτίο τύπου που καταδικάζει επίσημα την πολιτική, τις προτάσεις και την ίδια την Διαμαντοπουλου.

The greek people are in the midst of sweeping cuts to public services, and their education system has taken massive blows.

Cutting scholarships, reducing the teaching workforce and merging colleges and universities, the Greek Education minister - Anna Diamantopoulou- is complicit in dismantling their equal right to education.
In Greece education is free. All universities are public, and the privatization of higher education is forbidden by the constitution. Yet, the previous Conservative Government of Greece attempted to amend the constitution to allow for private universities. On top of this they tried to radical change the framework of the public universities to allow private enterprise to fund public education and transform these institution into narrow job training centres. All of these plans failed because of the massive protests that erupted in Spring of 2006 and Winter of 2007.

The current, Social-Democratic Government are now attempting to restore these previously rejected policies along with other austerity measures that are being put forward as a “solution” to the current financial crisis. On top of these measures Anna Diamantopoulou, the Minister of Education, who is speaking tonight at LSE has proposed the introduction of university tuition fees, to scrap public funding to humanities and social science, and cut all public scholarships for Greek students.

Mrs. Diamantopoulou is replicating the British-model. Just like the ConDem Coalition, Diamantopoulou and her government invoke the debt crisis in order to put forward policies that on one hand destroy education and the welfare state and on the other hand protect the profits and the privileges of the wealthy by reducing their taxes.

The Greek students protested outside the British embassy with a banner proclaiming solidarity with the British students struggle, now let us say:



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